As February gives way to March the overall theme among not only weather bloggers but also common public is summer and associated heat. The days start to become warmer while not yet uncomfortably hot over large parts of Peninsular India. The night time nip in the interior areas also gradually gives way to pleasant mornings…
South TN and Delta to see a spell of rains
The Indian sub continent is unique in many ways when it comes to weather, not just hosting one of the most anticipated weather event in the form of ISMR, but also many intricate weather influences due to its location. On the one hand proximity to the Equator keeps the probability for tropical precipitation pattern to…
Abnormally hot temperatures hit parts of Indian subcontinent
The last few days have seen abnormally hot day time temperatures hit parts of the Indian sub continent along with adjoining areas of Pakistan and Iran under the influence of an abnormally strong anti cyclone sitting over Arabian Sea and adjoining areas. Consequent to the anti cyclone sitting over the region suppressed atmospheric conditions that…
Days to get warmer over West Interior Tamil Nadu
The Indian Summer Monsoon is one of the best examples of the intricate interaction between Sun & Wind to create a large scale weather phenomenon. The relentless summer sun triggers a large scale vacuum over the Indian subcontinent creating a huge area of low pressure. When the air moves in to fill up this vacuum…
Dry Weather to return for Tamil Nadu
கெடுப்பதூஉம் கெட்டார்க்குச் சார்வாய்மற் றாங்கேஎடுப்பதூஉம் எல்லாம் மழை. வான்சிறப்பு The above Thirukural is one of the more famous couplets that gets quoted while talking about how Rains have the ability to play tantrums with the lives of people but in the same manner can bring back life by arriving at Hour of Need as well. In a…