Over the past couple of weeks abnormal heat had gripped large parts of Peninsular India. Places in Rayalaseema regularly recorded 43 / 44°C. Closer home Erode recorded the first 42°C in Tamil Nadu. This spell of abnormally hot conditions brought about heatwave over pockets of South India during hte weekend. The abnormal heat has led…
Summer Rains continue to remain sub par over Peninsular India
The past week saw an appreciable increase in day time temperatures over large parts of Peninsular India. Nandyal and Anantapur in the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh recorded 44.5°C on Saturday and Sunday respectively. 30th March, when Akola recorded 42.6°C was the last day when a station from Rayalaseema did not top the All India…
Peninsular India may see heatwave conditions this week
One of the biggest challenges Weather Agencies across the world face is how to effectively communicate weather alerts. On the one hand weather alerts should be simple enough for most people to understand while continuing to ensure the severity of the situation is not lost in the process of making it simpler. Even bigger challenge…
No respite in sight for Bengaluru water crisis
Cape Town in South Africa was possibly one of the earliest instances of a major metropolis to get associated with Day Zero. Around late 2017 the first reference to kickstarting a Day Zero plan started to be discussed as a series of years with poor rainfall from 2015 led to a situation which led to…
Summer to crank up the heat over Peninsular India
On the back of a fading El Nino, North and South India have been seeing a contrasting pattern of weather. A late season spurt in westerly troughs have not only meant good spells of rains on a regular basis for many parts of North and Central India but also a delay in conditions turning from…